The presidential election is coming up and it is overwhelming. Whether you have decided who you are voting for or not, it can feel like the issues that you care about are lost among the sea of other topics that are being addressed. It is hard to understand sometimes. But do not let this discourage you from paying attention and trying to stay informed. Everyone who is reading this (I hope) is passionate about bettering education for children all over the United States. Below is a compilation of the most important information about education’s role in the upcoming election:

The Current Administration
Over the past few years, there have been attempts to cut federal funding for education. The current focus of the scarce remaining funding for education has been on school choice1. 2While it is great to have options, this policy cuts some federal funding from public schools, which are already struggling.3 There have also been changes to Title IX, which requires universities to investigate cases of sexual misconduct.4 These changes have rolled back those requirements, making it even more difficult for survivors to get justice.
Let’s take a look at the main two candidates’ plans for the future of education. These are some of the four most important points of each candidate:
- Continue the school choice agenda that has been implemented.
- Cut back on the federal government’s role in education as a whole, including funding. This would give state and city governments more control.
- Reduce funding for different special education programs.
- Expand executive orders that let public universities prioritize religious policies.
- Federally fund 40% of free special education programs around the country.
- Increase federal funding for the salaries of public school teachers in low-income communities, as well as assisting in paying off their student loans.
- Invest in the mental healthcare of students by doubling the number of counselors, psychologists, social workers, and nurses in schools.
- Restore Title IX to the way it was before the recent changes.

These points are the basic outlines of their plans; they are obviously much more complex than this. You are encouraged you to do your own research if you do not feel like you have enough information.5 As important as the presidential election is, do not forget to do your research on and vote in your state and local elections!6 Those are just as important. You have more of a say in those races than you may realize. The election is less than a week away, get ready to have your voice heard! VOTE!!!