CarpooltoSchool is a 2021 Blackbaud’s Social Good Startup Program Partner! We are so excited Blackbaud recognizes CarpooltoSchool is solving a real pain point in education and making a difference in the social good of education. Go Together, Inc., the company that powers CarpooltoSchool,is successful doing well and is equally focused on doing good. We are making social and equity impacts that transcends education.
What does this mean practically?
The Marketplace – Schools can subscribe to CarpooltoSchool through Blackbaud’s Marketplace.
Single Sign On – Schools can make registering parents, students or faculty easy by signing with their Blackbaud ID.
Integrations – Schools will be able to pre-register parents and students via Blackbaud’s Student Information System.
Why Being A BlackBaud Social Good Program Partner Matters?
A student getting the opportunity to have reliable safe transportation to a school where they will thrive will literally change the trajectory of their family. How? They are showing it’s possible. The student and their family will inspire others to be bold and apply to the school of their dreams.
All things are possible for those who believe. We believe removing transportation as a barrier to going to a school or increasing attendance or even participating in an afterschool program or activity can change everything.
Know we are as concerned with a school’s or district’s impact
as we are solving their transportation pain points.
Kimberly moore, ceo, Go Together, Inc.
Is your school a Blackbaud customer? Want a transportation advantage? Great! Ask questions in LiveChat or Click here to schedule a demo.
Learn more about Blackbaud’s program and our partnership – Here’s the link to get started.